In true Kelly Stadium fashion, and a tradition I am planning on beginning from here on out- every NFL Sunday I am going to post a sports related blog. Today, it's actually an infographic on Futbol (or as we know it here in the States, soccer) vs Football.
Some things I would like to point out are the salaries for players v.s.the amount the teams earn. American Football is actually a very lucrative (see also economy enhancing) business compared with Futbol, yet the salaries don't really reflect that distinction. This was especially interesting to me because a lot of individuals I know that hate football, like soccer, and comment on how much money football players make and how silly it is. (This is a discussion for another post.)
Lastly, look at how teams are decided in futbol vs football. It seems to me that soccer clubs are built based on who has the most money has the best team, whereas football has to grow their team in a system built for evening the odds. Especially when you consider the NFL football team salary caps.
Since soccer and football are both passions of mine, I found this infographic interesting. Maybe we can all learn a little something more, even if you aren't exactly the sports type.