Aj has been working very long hours the past week, from 5:30 in the morning till around 10 at night. They kept going back and forth on whether or not they were going to make the soldiers come in on Saturday, and sadly, Aj came home Friday night to inform me he was needed back at 8 am in the morning. We cancelled our Easter plans in Dallas and decided to be thankful that he was still coming home at all. But wonderfully, after arriving at work on Saturday morning, a good majority of the soldiers were sent back home, including Aj. So we packed our bags, jumped in our car and drove to see family.
It was a wonderful weekend. Aj and I stayed with his Mimi and Grandpa right outside of Dallas in a town as small as Howe called Rocket. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet relatives of Aj's that I had only heard stories of and Aj was able to play with his cousins and brothers for a while. It felt like a mini vacation. Then on Sunday, we made our way to his mothers house and had the opportunity to join her and her husband Ben at his Aunt's house where we had a wonderful Easter dinner and met some great new people. All in all, it was an amazing weekend (by the way, it was in the 70's and 80's. :) ). Here are the pictures!
We had to take the "with our Easter Goodies!" pictures with the rest of the kids. (Don't you love Aj's expression? Lol :)
Then we were able to get a family photo taken with Aj's dad Anthony, his wife Shannon, brother-in-law Blake (on the far right), little brother Ethan (in my arms) and little brother Jonathan (next to Aj).
Aj went swimming in the FREEZING cold water with his cousins and brother Jonathan.. And yes, he purposefully picked those shorts. :)