Thursday, December 30, 2010

Outfit Time!! I'm totally lost... Please help!

Ok.. I'll be going shopping very shortly for my "Aj's arrival" outfit. Now, some of you have mentioned before that what I wear depends on what Aj likes and I couldn't agree more. But Aj truly doesn't have a preference. He likes dresses but thinks skirts are sexy and he says he loves "the way my rear-end looks in a good pair of jeans." I quite seriously have no guidance. So, I pretty much have an idea from A to Z. Obviously I am going to wear heals, that's my thing (although I have this terrible fear that I will fall on heels for the first time in my life while running up to Aj at the airport and break my ankle..)
My main concerns when it comes to an outfit are that I want to look sexy but classy, not trashy. I want it to be a representation of myself, and not just a "look good" outfit, and of course, I want to look amazing for him. (Ok, I know these "help me look hot" posts seem ridiculously shallow, but this night is bigger than any formal event that you could imagine to me.)
So, please tell me your number pick for outfit choice. These outfits are an example of a style I am looking at, and not necessarily those exact clothes. Thanks again everyone! You are incredible!

Outfit Number 1:
The Sexy Top/ Jeans/ Flashy Heels

Outfit Number 2:
The Pencil Skirt/ Classy Top/ Bright Pumps

Outfit Number 3:
The "Little Black Dress"/ Playful Pumps

Lastly, Outfit Number 4:
Classy Sexy Sweater/ Light Jeans/ Cute Boots

Ok, thats it! Tell me which you like, or if you have any suggestions! I will be pairing the outfit I choose with the appropriate accessories, so if you have ideas on that front let me know too!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More Christmas Pictures :)

Thanks to momma Becca, she was sweet enough to get some pictures off of facebook of the Johnson Christmas Party and send them to me. I thought I would share them with you. A really wonderful group and I am very happy to have been able to meet them. :)

Becca and I helped care for this adorable little one, Lyric. :)

The "Kids" got together and posed. What a bunch of hams!!

Another pic of them, without the ham hogging the spot light.

The Kelly & Millender Representation! I should have had a pic of Aj with me.

My white elephant gift. Woot!

 Uh... Yeah.. I guess I was a little excited...

The "Grandkids" picture. You can see my forehead in the back. :)

Another picture/ angle of the group.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Update & Hair Voting Results!

My b-day flowers are blooming!
My Christmas Goodies =)
Ok- so a brief "Christmas" update. I think I have mentioned before that Aj and I are going to celebrate Christmas together when he gets home (in just 30 days!!). But we still did a couple of things to acknowledge Christmas with family and friends. First thing was Aj's Christmas package from me. This one was a record 30 pounder! In it were his civilian clothes to wear home for RR (he has to wear civilian clothes on the plane), as well as a ton of goods and sweets, including homemade goodies from me!! Now, if you know me very well, you will know that domestic stuff is not exactly my forte. My mom was wonderful growing up but I focused so much on being a business woman (as a small child, I never played "house", I would walk around playing "office"). But, I gathered some recipes, got the ingredients, and spent the entire evening on Saturday baking and mixing so that Aj could have homemade treats in his package. I made fudge, sugar cookies, and snickerdoodles all completely from scratch. I'm so proud of myself!! :) Aj was thrilled and my 30 lb package was the talk of the unit when he received it.
The Grand kids!
Next, the weekend of the 18th, I went to Christmas parties in Texas to visit family. The first night I stayed with Mimi and then we had a Christmas party luncheon with that part of the family (Aj's dad's side). I met even more new family members and had a great time. (I actually brought my camera and took pictures, but unfortunately left my camera in Texas... Figures!) Then, that evening, I went to Becca's (Aj's mom) and we went to a Christmas party that night where I got to meet Aj's grandpa's side. What a large bunch! It was a great time. I felt a little awkward when they called for all of the grandchildren to get together for a picture, and I was pulled out of the corner to be a part of it. It was actually really nice. They brought me in and treated me like I was an important and loved family member. I really enjoyed it.
Andy snuggling with Primo.
Becca & I were told we look a lot alike.
That night I got some quality time with Rebecca &  Ben (Aj's mom and her hubby), Andy & Jonathan (his two oldest brothers) and Faye & Grady (Ben's parents). It was a nice and relaxing time. That Sunday, Blitz and I made the track back home to Oklahoma.
The following week was only a three day, and so Blitz and I spent Thursday through Sunday together chilling, playing some Madden, working with Betty in the mornings (she is still working hard and losing weight!) and mainly just relaxing. Christmas itself was a little harder than I anticipated, but Aj and I were able to web cam for a while and that was the best Christmas present ever.
That's a very brief overview of the last couple of weeks. Whew! New Years is Friday night and after that, the holidays are over and Aj's coming home is next!! 30 Days!! CAN I GET A WOOT WOOT?!!
On that note- your hair votes. I was thrilled with how many of you took the time to look over and send me your pick (some of you even got additional family and friends to vote- which was wonderful!!). Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for your time!!! A variation of style/color number 8 was the winner. I called the hairstylist and made an appointment for the 19th. So excited!! The next item up for voting will be set up on Thursday. This one I really want opinions on. I have decided that I am going to do a "before and after" picture of myself once all of the decisions are made and done. I really appreciate your time and help. It truly does make things go by faster for me. Thank you and love you all soo much!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Birthday Flowers from my Mr. Amazing

My birthday is on Sunday. Yes, December 26th. Aj and I are planning on celebrating both our birthdays, our anniversary, and Christmas altogether when he gets home for RR in a few weeks (A FEW WEEKS! WOOT!!). Since our anniversary is Feb 12th, his birthday is Feb. 19th, Christmas is the 25th and my b-day is the 26th. But Aj, being absolutely incredible, didn't want my birthday to go by without making it special. So today, I received a surprise from the UPS man. These AMAZINGLY beautiful flowers. He bought a dozen red roses with my favorite flower, the calla lily, mixed in with them. He couldn't have been more perfect. I know that people say flowers are stupid, die and are expensive- but the irrational romantic girl in me absolutely loves them. I'm so happy. They arrived when we were on the phone and for a moment, it felt like he was home with me. I left my camera in Texas, so these are the best pics I could do with my cell phone camera- but they still look pretty damn gorgeous if you ask me. :) Short blog, I know. But these flowers meant so much to me and melted my heart, so I had to brag about my amazing husband. I love you baby. I can't wait until the 26th. I miss you so much.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vote for your favorite hair!

Ok- I'm mainly worried about hair color rather than style at the moment. Some of the colors/ styles I have included two pictures of to make them easier to see what they are. Let me apologize, some of them are definitely not my best pictures.... I'm just trying to find the ones that show my hair. I am going to number each of the colors and you can tell me what number you like the most. If there is a style you like though, and want to mention it, that would be great too! Thank you all so much!

Color/ Style Number 1

These next two pictures are the same color/ style, but I didn't think that the first one showed the color of blonde very well.

So these next two are both Color/ Style Number 2.

<----Color/ Style Number 2 con't.

Color/ Style Number 3 (my natural blondish/red)
The following three are varying degrees of dark that I have had. The shade of dark is a big thing, so I decided to include a picture of each. All three have their own numbers.

Color/ Style Number 4
Color/ Style Number 5

Color/ Style Number 6

Once again, these next two are the same style and color, but I wanted to get the full view, since another style looks similar if you don't see it right. The streaked color is purplish brown color.

<------Style/ Color Number 7
Color/ Style Number 7 Con't
Style/ Color Number 8 (Really dark brown streaks & blonde streaks w/ natural color)

Color/ Style Number 9 (I don't even know what this color is)
((PS: The anime Sexy Back music video playing on this page was created by my little sister. Cracks me up! =-)  ))

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Make-Over" Opinions & Help Wanted!!

     Ok- I know it's been a long time since I updated and this isn't exactly the catch up post that is needed. Hopefully I will get the pictures from this last week in soon and I can update everyone on my weekend in Texas at family Christmas parties and the last couple weeks.
    For now- I have some pretty bummer news. Once again, Aj's leave has been pushed back. He is no longer coming home on the 15th of January, but the 26th. I'm not going to lie, that was pretty rough to hear. We were only a couple days from the 4 week mark when we were given the news. But, as of now, Aj is still coming home for RR in 5 weeks from tomorrow. It will have been just short of 8 months since we have seen each other and I am SOOOO excited! I can't even describe the feeling of excitement I get when I think of having him home for a couple of weeks.
    On that note, this coming Monday will mark 30 days before he comes home. My "To-Do" list for the upcoming month is all about preparing for him to come home. And I'm not going to lie, I want to look HOT HOT HOT when he steps off of that plane!!! And I am calling for all of your advice and help! My hair, my clothes, shoes, you name it, I want to look amazing. So, what do you all think? In the next few weeks I'm going to post pictures of previous hairstyles/ colors and outfit choices, and I want all of your opinions.
    The 30 Day Count Down will mean a few things, first off, it means he is coming home so soon. But it also means that I have got to keep myself busy. I need to feel like I have a "to-do" list to work on and that I am getting things accomplished so that the time doesn't feel like it is dragging by.

So- please tell me what you think and give me your ideas! I'd LOVE to hear anything you have!!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Cycle.

Ups and Downs are a natural cycle in life. You have your moments of pure accomplishment and success, those moments where nothing can tear you down and you feel like you can conquer the world. Where everything is going your way and you can't believe how lucky you are. Inevitably, this amazing experience will come to an end and you will end up feeling like your entire world is falling apart. That great success? A distant memory. Those feelings of power and strength? Hard to find, since your sitting in the corner, in the fetal position rocking back and forth.

It feels like this past week has been one of the toughest to get through. Have I mentioned yet that deployments suck? Have I thoroughly complained about this yet? Have I moaned and groaned about it to you sufficiently? Cause if not, I can surely continue on but it serves to memory that I have, so I will do my best to not whine too much. Let me just say this:  Last week was hard. Hard for me. Hard for Aj. Just hard. Anybody else remember the 'inspiring' post I wrote a few weeks back, "Dear Deployment: We're Winning?" Yeah well, lets call that a week of an up phase and last week was, "This Deployment is Kicking Us in the Ass."

Now, clarification is in order. Please, no rumors that Aj and I are having problems in our relationship or that we are going through any bumps because that could not be farther from the truth. In fact, I think the only reason either one of us survived last week was because we had each other to lean on. The constant reassurance that the other one is there and that we love each other. The talks of fantasy football, RR, Christmas time, and family were what kept us going. The problem is, we have reached a point in the deployment where even though we see the light at the end of the tunnel (39 days till RR!!!), it's hard to feel like we will ever get there. After a certain point it's hard for your brain to convince your heart and mind that this is a temporary arrangement. That we will be together as a family again. It's close enough to see it but far enough away that you still feel like you will never get there.

Now, lets add to this a little bit shall we. I have hit a weight loss plateau. Yes, I know it happens, and yes, I was expecting it. But it is still ridiculously frustrating. Seven more pounds. That's all I ask. Just a little more tone and definition here and there and I will be in the best shape of my life. (Please, all you scoffers, please remember that I am a trainer. That my body is my walking billboard. That I have a whole different standard I need to reach. Don't roll your eyes in annoyance, this is important.) Weeks now, weeks I have been at this weight range, and it is starting to get to me. I know what it takes to crash through the barrier, but finding the time and the resources (where can I run steps? where is an open and available set of stands?) has been remarkably frustrating. And I feel, just like this deployment feels, like I am standing still.

For Aj, this past week "at work" was rather frustrating and he is starting to feel like he is wasting his time. He feels like he is standing still as the rest of the world is living their lives. As ridiculously important as he is and his job is, after so long, he just feels like he isn't accomplishing anything and that he is being useless to us (Blitz and I), his family. I let him know that he is incredibly important. That the job he does (anti- air defense is his job. He makes sure that if anyone shoots missiles, we can stop them) keeps me and everyone else safe at night. That I am so very proud of him and what he is doing. But it's still been hard.

Then there were a few 'little things' that went wrong. Each of us lost our fantasy football matches this week by very few (Aj lost by one) points. Some not-so-great news regarding friends and family and a couple other personal set backs for us, left us completely drained after this week.
It's times like these that I wish I could ring the bell, throw in the towel and say, "Ok Deployment. You've won. Just give me my husband back." And be done with it. But unfortunately, it doesn't work like that.

Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's not unfortunately it doesn't work like that, but fortunately it doesn't. Once again, I am learning a lot from being a trainer. This morning was no exception.

My trainee and I met this morning at 5 am for the first time since last Thursday. She and her boyfriend had spent a few wonderful days vacationing in San Antonio. The trip was an absolute blast for her. I felt a little bad that the first thing she came back to face was the scale. We weigh once a week on Mondays. Every week. It's important. This week was no exception and since we were unable to weigh on Monday, Tuesday morning was the day of reckoning.

After consistently losing 3 lbs every week since we started training, she stood on the scale this morning to see a 2 lb gain and she was devastated. As a trainer, I wasn't phased. I knew and had even told her at the beginning that there were going to be times where the scale would not move or even jump up, it's a normal cycle. Especially after a few days of vacationing. I reminded her that she has still come a long way and that she just needs to keep going, that the number didn't reflect her health or how hard she worked. The jump up was just part of life. I smiled, handed her a ten lb weight, and told her to get on the treadmill.

"You've still come so far." "You're making it." "Just Keep Going." "Don't give up." "Just a part of life." Were all words of encouragement I told her this morning and meant them. I wasn't phased at all by the numbers and I didn't want her to be either. Anyone else see what slapped me in the face a little later?

Last week, the weight on the scale jumped up for Aj and I. We were doing so great and getting through this tough deployment one step at a time. We were feeling the momentum and then hit a brick wall. "You've still come so far." Aj and I have made it 6 complete months, nothing can take that away from us. "You're making it." We have not only made it 6 months, but we have been able to get ourselves in a better position in life. We have used this deployment to our advantage as much as we can. "Just keep going." 39 days. We have 39 days till Aj steps off that plane and I run into his arms for two straight weeks. "Don't give up." Just imagine, when we look back at the end of this thing and say, Do you remember that? It was so hard. But we made it. We never gave up, it wasn't even an option. "Just a part of life. " Aj and I are going to go through ups and downs in our life together. We will hit extremely good times and go through some really bad ones too. But we are going to do it together and we will always come through. The bad times are just a part of life. And as cliche as it is to say, it is also so very true; The bad times make us appreciate and love those good times so much more. I know that I will never appreciate the feeling of Aj's arms any more than I will the first time he wraps them around me at that airport in 39 days.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving in Texas and "Southwest Asia"

It's official. Aj and I just spent what should be our last Thanksgiving without one another. Woot woot!! I was able to travel to Dallas and spend a few days with Aj's side of the family and Aj, well, he got to spend Thanksgiving on a 24 hour shift in the sand. Thanksgiving is Aj's favorite holiday. Football, food, and family all together in one giant celebration, it's like Heaven on Earth for him once a year. So it was pretty hard to not have him here. But there were still many wonderful things that came out of the weekend.
Aj sporting his shades in Southwest Asia.
First off, the Army had set it up so the soldiers could call home more easily and for longer periods of time on Thanksgiving. This meant that while I was at Aj's Mimi's house for Thanksgiving, he was able to not only talk with me, but also his 3 brothers, his father, his cousins, and his grandparents. This was a real Thanksgiving treat for all of them and I know put a huge smile on his and their faces. He was also able to talk with me for a very long period of time, and that doesn't get to happen all that often, so I was thrilled.
Second, Aj did have to work 24 hours that day, but he also received the Thanksgiving Day package that I sent. I was so happy that it got to him and had been worried that he wouldn't get it in time. I assure you that it was packed full of goodies and he was able to get his snack on. He was also able to get a little bit of turkey from one of the military dining facilities, which was "ok" he said.
For me, it was a much needed get away. I had not been able to visit Texas since Aj left for a variety of reasons and was happy to get to see everyone again. I was also able to see a lot of family members who I'd heard a lot about but never actually met.
It was a special treat because I was able to not only see Aj's dad's side of the family but also Friday I met up with Aj's mother, his Nanny, and his Aunt Sabrina. I had only met his Aunt Sabrina one time in November of last year and his Nanny lives a couple hours away in Tyler so we don't get to see her as often either. We all sat around a table, drinking coffee and laughing for a few hours which was wonderful.
Nanny and I at Sabrina's.
Finally, it was the first time I had been around Aj's family without him there and I'll admit, I was slightly apprehensive but it was a great time. I was treated like one of the family with or without him there. I was able to see "my" three brothers and talk with them, chat with Mimi and Grandpa while watching the football game (and yes, I even yelled and screamed at the tv plenty that day), get giant hugs from Becca (momma Kelly) and Ben, and laugh a good while with Nanny and Sabrina. (Extra special treat when Nanny looked at me and told me I looked good but if I lost any more weight I would be too skinny.. There's a first for everything!!) My major pitfall though was a complete lack of picture taking. Becca was sweet enough to send to me the pictures she took while we were at Sabrina's house, and I am in the process of scrounging up some more pictures from the weekend from others, but I failed miserably at taking even a single picture. So here is hoping that there are more to come.
Aunt Sabrina, myself, Nanny and Ma Becca.
And just to make sure I include everyone, Blitz had a fabulous time as well. He played football with everyone (yes, he really does play football), was given the bones from the turkey, played with his doggie cousins at Sabrina's and went on an extra long car ride. He does get rather confused whenever we go to Mimi's for the first while because he isn't allowed inside, and it was his first really cold night outdoors. He was covered in blankets for a while and looked rather ridiculous, but once again, I neglected to take what would have been some priceless pictures. 
Tomorrow is December 1st everyone. Seriously. December. How fetching exciting is that? Aj will be home for RR 6 weeks from Saturday. That just means that I only have 6 Saturdays left to practice my 2011 Madden. I can't wait. I truly can't wait. We are so close.
We love you all so much. I can't say how much your support means to us. Deployments suck worse than fat camp but it makes it so much easier knowing we have friends and family there to sneak us a piece of cake every once in a while.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Top Things Not to Say to a Wife of a Deployed Soldier

I found this article today, and I loved it. I thought I would post it on our blog. Thanksgiving is this week. Aj's favorite holiday. The past week has been the most difficult so far. And RR is so close, but so far away. We've got this though. :)

From “Notes from Iraq with Capt. Richard Connaroe”:

Occasionally, Soldiers are complimented for their service.  While recognition never fails to bring a smile, there is a group of much stronger, much more deserving individuals:  Army Wives or military spouses.
The hardships that a military spouse endures are hard to imagine even to Soldiers.  To sacrifice a year or more apart from their husband or wife, often cases the father or mother of their children, and take on all household responsibilities is a thankless task.
Occupied with executing combat missions and reacting on muscle memory, Soldiers reflect on what he or she is missing back home only during downtime.  Although the spouse carries on, her life is never as busy that she forgets her husband.  And in this sense, her job is tougher than her Soldier’s.
Army Wives are left with the responsibility of maintaining a home, a yard, a career, children, cars, pets, and every task that their Soldier used to handle.  On top of that, the military spouse must worry that her Soldier is in danger and have faith that God will provide.
Those not in the military atmosphere try to offer support and empathy.  Often times, these well-intended attempts are not well thought out.  The following is a collection of such thoughts that are intended with consideration but come across as inconsiderate or oblivious at best.
My Army Wife, Devon Connaroe, compiled this “Top Things Not To Say To The Spouse of a Deployed Soldier” from fellow Soldiers’ wives.  The following list of lines from family and friends are memorable, because they are particularly discomforting.  In fact, they drive her into a world if isolation, believing that no one understands.
Five Army Wives, whom my wife has befriended during our last five years in the military, contributed to the list:  Robyn Mroszczyk, Melissa Salmon, Sheena Jorgensen, Erin Wackerhagen and Rasheedah Stewart.  Many of these sayings were not exclusive to one individual, but heard by multiple women.
Often, people may attempt to empathize with the situation by saying one of the following:
“I know how you feel.  My husband was away for nearly a week on business last month.”  Although, well intended, a short business trip is NOTHING like experiencing the weight of a deployment, which can last from six to fifteen months.
“I know how you feel, I was a single mom.”
The wife does stay alone and care for things, but a single mom does not have to worry about a husband being in danger.
“I understand what you are going through, I watch the show Army Wives.”
The show Army Wives is not a reality show; it is a TV drama that is meant to mimic what writers believe to be true.
People may offer what they believe to be a compliment:
“I don’t know how you do it.”
“I couldn’t deal if my husband left that long.”
Hearing this is not a compliment.  The wife does not have a choice to “deal,” and, often times, they don’t know how they get through either; they just do it because they honor and love their husband.
Some try to offer support and look on the bright side of things concerning the deployment.
“Well you only have 9 months left. The rest is easy now.”
Having a portion of the deployment completed does not make the rest of the separation easier.
If he is in Iraq, “At least he is not in Afghanistan.”  OR
If he is in Afghanistan, “At least he is not in Iraq.”
Regardless of his location for the deployment, he is still in danger and still separated from his family.
Often times, military spouses are asked questions with obvious answers.  Would you prefer if she answers with a non-obvious answer?
“Do you miss him?”
“Are you excited he is coming home?”
“Are you scared he will die?”
On the off chance that the spouse has taken her mind off these thoughts, you have now changed that.
Others carelessly encourage, “But he’ll be home for Christmas, right?”
Military personnel do not get to leave their assigned deployment for Holidays.  They are granted only two weeks of vacation to leave and visit their family.  Only a fraction of them can visit home at any given time, including holidays.
Believe it or not, those close to military spouses will at times grow tired of their friend’s sorrow, saying:
“You knew what you signed up for when you married a soldier.”
“You knew that he would be deployed.”
Military spouses do not marry the military; they marry the man or woman that they love who happens to be in the military.  No one can ever describe to you what the weight of a deployment is like or “what you are signing up for”.
At times, some people end conversations by saying, “If you ever need anyone to help you with something around the house, give me call,” without leaving a phone number.
Typically, a wife is not going to reach out for help, especially when the offer is half-hearted.
Finally, some people just do not think before they talk.
“I am glad my husband isn’t in the military, because he could die.”
Believe it or not, people who aren’t in the military still die.
Throughout a deployment, the spouse of a Soldier endures a great sacrifice.  A script on how to converse with the spouse of a deployed Soldier does not exist.  The right things to say are not lines stored on a pocket-sized notebook, which can be pulled out in the necessary moment. Upon meeting an Army Wife, you should not feel as though it is necessary to try to relate to her.  Although you may feel it is socially necessary to comment on the Soldier’s absence, there is really no need to do so at all.
Support, encouragement and graciousness are appreciated.  However, there is a key to interacting with the spouse:  sincerity.
Be yourself.  Be genuine.  If you don’t know what to say, silence is acceptable.
If you pray, comfort the spouse by sending your prayers to the soldier and his family.
If you are grateful for the sacrifice, thank the husband or wife for what they are doing for your freedom.
If you want to help, be specific in what you are willing to offer, such as mowing the lawn.  Empty offers are typically all encompassing.  If you aren’t willing to rake leaves or bathe the dog, don’t say, “If you ever need anything, let me know.”
Be a friend.  Show the spouse that you care about who she is, without defining her by the deployment.
In the end, it is the honesty and sincerity that means the most.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas Plans...

 We are getting close to December 25th and I couldn't be more excited. Not because December 25th is "Christmas", but because it means that this year is almost over and Aj is soon coming home. I have been getting questions from a lot of you wondering what to do when it comes to sending Aj Christmas stuff; cards, cookies, presents, etc., so I thought I would let you know our Christmas plans. Aj and I have decided to wait and celebrate Christmas together when he gets home on RR. We are going to open presents, watch a couple Christmas movies (That's my idea, not his. hehe) and have a Christmas dinner after he gets home a little more than 2 weeks after the "official" Christmas day. So when it comes to gifts, Christmas cards, etc. that I receive in the mail or from individuals, to either of us, they are going to remain unopened until Aj is here to open them with me.
If you are thinking of sending Aj a Christmas "something" and would like to send it to him down where he is at, you are of course, more than welcome. If you would rather send it to our home here in Oklahoma and he can open it while we celebrate our Christmas together, that would be wonderful too. I have already received a couple of things for him. If you are in need of his mailing address over there, or our address here in Oklahoma, please let me know and I will send it to you.
As far as what Aj and I will be doing on that actual day, neither of us know our schedule yet. There is a possibility he could be on a 24 hour shift that day or he could have the day off. The military doesn't distinguish between holidays, weekends, or weekdays when soldiers are on deployment. Which makes sense really but still is less than fun.
Blitz and I don't have firm plans for anything, mainly because we may at any time have to pack up and drive to Idaho, so we are just taking plans one day at a time for now. We have had a few invites that we would really like to make.
So, just a little fyi post for all of those who have been wondering. what's going on with the holidays at the Kelly household. Tis the season! Thank you and we love you all!!

((Pictures on this post are a couple I had of my apartment in Heilsbronn, Germany from Christmas 2007. The winter Aj and I were first together.))

Friday, November 19, 2010

For all you cat haters out there...

If you think that cats are useless and don't really care about their owners... watch 'em and weep... this cat protects the children against two alligators... what a badass...

Kitty Fights Off Gators for Kids

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Monday morning, at 4:45, I woke up to my alarm clock. My first thought, "Oh dear Lord it's early." My second thought, "God bless the individual who invented the programmable coffee machine." I rolled out of bed, put on my workout clothes, filled my travel mug to the brim and walked out the door. That morning, I had my first ever one on one session as a personal trainer. I met with a young woman who has struggled with weight for her entire life. Her story is like one you would see on Biggest Loser. Her mother died of congestive heart failure, a condition caused by her lifelong obesity. My trainee had even dropped out of high school at 14 to take care of her mother and family at the point her mother became bed ridden. At 22 years old, she is 5'6 and weighs close to 250 lbs. She has decided she wants to take her life back and keep it. Can you say wow? Can you say inspiring? Could I have possibly been given a more remarkable person to train with at the beginning of my journey as a trainer?
We are currently training every morning from 5-7. Our first hour of training is like a one on one class regarding health and fitness. Nutrition, calories, fitness, and maintaining a lifestyle. I take the term personal trainer very seriously. In that it should be personal and I should be training. My goal is for whoever I am working with, to not only become healthy and fit while I am working with them, but I want them to learn to not need me anymore. I want to one day become useless to them because they have the knowledge, strength, and confidence in themselves to continue that healthy lifestyle and attitude without me, for the rest of their lives. I am training them, one on one, to do it themselves.
 The second hour is where its time to sweat. I was not easy on her during our first session but she did everything I asked her to do. At one point, after completing the final set of an exercise she did not think she would be able to do, she teared up. Proud of herself and the realization of how powerful she is. I could not have imagined a better way to start my career. If I had any doubts at all that this is what I want to do as a career, they were completely dispelled by the look of pride on her face.
This morning, I took her on her first jog outdoors. The look on her face when I told her we were going to go outside was fear and panic. She told me she hated working out outside, that she looked so stupid, etc. I handed her a beanie I had brought for her to wear, smiled and said, "Lets go." We went a mile. When we got back to the fitness room, out of breath she said, "Wow, my first ever jog outside." She had been so self conscious, she had actually never even tried to jog outdoors. It was a beautifully clear morning and once again, a look of pride was on her face. This woman is amazing. Not once has she given up. Everything I have asked her to do, she does. (Although one time she gave me such a glaring look I thought she was going to toss that medicine ball at my  head... hehehe).
She has barely begun this journey, and I know its only been 3 days but damn, is she astonishing. And I can't wait to see her growth. I am seriously so excited by all of this. We are both starting a whole new journey together.
My husband yesterday told me he was proud of me. He has been the biggest support imaginable for me and to hear him say that, meant so much. I can't wait until he is home. Sometimes it feels like this will never end. But the idea that I am making him proud is such a tremendous feeling and gives me the strength to keep going. Less then two months now, and he will be home. Finally home, even if for just a short while. I can't wait.
Sometimes life is hard. Deployments themselves are hard and then a lot has happened that has been rough since he left. Each of our families have gone through a lot of ups and downs, drama, hurt and shock. We have had to deal with military situations, friends that have turned out not to be, and even a break in at our home. But our relationship is so strong, and my husband is so remarkably supportive and level headed, that despite it all, Aj and I are doing amazing. Not just relationship wise, but in our life together and we are both so incredibly happy it's almost unbelievable.
Stength. Life keeps showing me over and over again, not only through my own situations, but through amazing people like the young woman I am working with now, that we are so much stronger then we believe that we are. And, if we surround ourselves by the right people, there is truly nothing we can't make it through.
I am truly blessed to have the people in my life that I have. Thank-you for being there and showing me what strength really is, in all aspects of life.

((I do think I should note, I have not received my official certification yet. I am not charging this young woman. She is helping me by being my first "guinea pig" as I learn and develop to become certified. I'm not charging her anything, and she knows that I have yet to receive the "piece of paper" to put on my wall. She is putting a profound amount of trust in me and I appreciate so much her willingness to be my "first" trainee as I learn and grow.))

Thursday, November 11, 2010

With all my heart...

Veterans Day- A day that people say thank-you to "their veterans" and appreciate them. My life is Veterans Day. It's not just a single day, it's a way of life. My husband is gone. I haven't seen him in over 5 months and I will not see him again for more than 2 more, only to have him leave again for a few months more. Aj is in a land of sandstorms and heat. He currently doesn't have a single article of "civilian" clothing with him. He works 24 hour days and has no privacy when he gets home and yet, when he calls me, he is the one comforting me. He is the one saying, "We are almost there baby." "This isn't anything." "We've got this." Even in the terrible conditions and frustrating environment he is in, he is still more concerned about me back home than himself. He is the most amazing person I have ever known. I am proud to call him my husband and I love him more than anything.
But Aj and I are not the only ones in our family that have been through this life, and we want to recognize the many relatives and people close to us that are "our" veterans. These are the real faces of people making sacrifices and they are our family. We both love you all and thank-you ever so much.

My husband, I love you. I love you so much. You're my hero. And I am proud to be your wife.

My brother, in the Navy for 9 years. 2 Deployments to Iraq, many overseas trips, and helped w/ the Tsunami.

My Uncle Richard Frasure, he also was in the Navy. Love you Uncle Richard!

My Uncle Bill and Aunt Joan, were in the Air Force together, toured Germany, and visited the Land of Sand.

Aj's dad and my father-in-law, Anthony Kelly was in the Army and went to many places.

Charlie (Chuck) Butcher, Aj's younger cousin, currently serving in the Marines. Hoorah! 

 And Grandpa McCormack (Aj's Grandpa) flew as a test pilot in the airforce. :)

Also, I don't have pictures, but these people who are still amazingly important, and served in the military:

My Grandpa Milton Scott, Great-Grandpa Gooch, Uncle Bob, Cousin Lenn, and Great Uncle George Silva.

Also, Aj and I want to give a shout out to our many friends that are in the military or have been that we love so much. Thank you!!

Please everyone, I lead a Happy Veterans Day life, but for those who don't, give us at least a Happy Veterans Day- day, and tell those you know and those you don't, thank you.