We are getting close to December 25th and I couldn't be more excited. Not because December 25th is "Christmas", but because it means that this year is almost over and Aj is soon coming home. I have been getting questions from a lot of you wondering what to do when it comes to sending Aj Christmas stuff; cards, cookies, presents, etc., so I thought I would let you know our Christmas plans. Aj and I have decided to wait and celebrate Christmas together when he gets home on RR. We are going to open presents, watch a couple Christmas movies (That's my idea, not his. hehe) and have a Christmas dinner after he gets home a little more than 2 weeks after the "official" Christmas day. So when it comes to gifts, Christmas cards, etc. that I receive in the mail or from individuals, to either of us, they are going to remain unopened until Aj is here to open them with me.
If you are thinking of sending Aj a Christmas "something" and would like to send it to him down where he is at, you are of course, more than welcome. If you would rather send it to our home here in Oklahoma and he can open it while we celebrate our Christmas together, that would be wonderful too. I have already received a couple of things for him. If you are in need of his mailing address over there, or our address here in Oklahoma, please let me know and I will send it to you.

As far as what Aj and I will be doing on that actual day, neither of us know our schedule yet. There is a possibility he could be on a 24 hour shift that day or he could have the day off. The military doesn't distinguish between holidays, weekends, or weekdays when soldiers are on deployment. Which makes sense really but still is less than fun.
Blitz and I don't have firm plans for anything, mainly because we may at any time have to pack up and drive to Idaho, so we are just taking plans one day at a time for now. We have had a few invites that we would really like to make.
So, just a little fyi post for all of those who have been wondering. what's going on with the holidays at the Kelly household. Tis the season! Thank you and we love you all!!
((Pictures on this post are a couple I had of my apartment in Heilsbronn, Germany from Christmas 2007. The winter Aj and I were first together.))