Monday, November 1, 2010

November!!! Need I say more?

Our Decorated Door
That's right, it's November. One more month down!! Hollah!! Raise the roof!! And Woot Woot!! (That's me trying to get psyched up, how's it working for you?) I was so very excited about October, and what a long month it turned out to be. But it now has a giant red X through it and we're starting the next one.
With the end of  October brings Halloween. I love Halloween. I think it's a wonderfully fun holiday that doesn't bring the stress and "obligations" of Thanksgiving and Christmas. (If you want to complain to me about how our society has taken a secular tradition and turned it into a money making scheme to sell candy, you can suck an egg. Cause really, who cares? Who is it hurting? That's a whole other philosophical debate for later..)

This year, obviously Aj was gone. Him and I both like the fun of dressing up and I wasn't too keen on sitting in my living in a costume by myself, so poor Blitz was forced to instead. I decided, for his namesake, and the fact that Halloween fell on NFL Sunday this year, Blitz dressed up as a football linebacker. The poor boy was so miserable in his costume, but I laughed so hard it brought tears to my eyes and so I deemed it worth it. Plus, he had the satisfaction of tearing it off and ripping it into shreds on my living room floor. Which, if dogs get pent up aggression, I'm sure would have alleviated all of it.
Faith and Blitz at her Halloween/ B-Day Party
This blog update is more to share pictures with you that sums up our month of October as best as we can. Blitz's first Halloween, his giant bone that he ate in four days, the Halloween Birthday party, Aj's crazy hours and sleep schedule.. Football football football! My family in Idaho also sent me some pictures of my nephew Jed riding his little four wheeler around with his dad (my brother). I'm including these pictures as well because they are fun too. Love you all!! We're getting there!
Blitz played football with the guys
Blitz in full costume.. With Helmet!! Love it!!! Lol

Blitz with his giant bone that I bought him. This lasted only four days. *Sigh*

Aj had a rough month at work. Apparently he learned a lot about multi-tasking? I don't know. I decided not to ask about this one. :)

My nephew Jed having a blast on the mini four-wheeler. He's so adorable. When Aj and I were there they would throw their hands in the air together and say, "Touchdown!"

My brother on his "big boy" four wheeler with his little man Jed. Like father like son. Bobby and I use to race the riding lawn mowers down the drive way.