Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Petals and Potpourri

     Some of you may remember the post in December where I put up pictures of my birthday flowers from AJ. What you may not know is that not only were these the first flowers that AJ has ever bought me, they are actually the first flowers he has bought, ever. Making them have that much more sentimental value to me and I really, really did not want to throw them away. So, my friend Nicole posted a blog a few weeks ago on her crafts and hobbies she had been working on, which gave me an idea. I will do something crafty with them (I know, giant intellectual leap there....).
     So thank you Nicole! I now have beautiful potpourri from the petals of the flowers my amazing husband sent me. (Picture quality still sucks.. Still waiting on that new camera..)
The original flowers from Mr. Amazing!

And now the potpourri from the petals!!


Unknown said...

Oh my heck you are too sweet and give me way too much credit! I just get ideas from everyone else, my imagination in the creativity department is extremely limited! That turned out SOOO GOOD! I love the vase and the different pieces you added to make it look so gorgeous but the best part will probably be that it will be a constant reminder of AJ and how he had those sent to you even while he was away! Way cute idea!!! If Travis ever sends me flowers I might do the same thing (I won't hold me breathe though, I'm not really the flower type but if he was on the other side of the globe and had those flowers sent to me I can't think of anything that would make me burst into tears or mean more than that)!

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