Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's Time.

AJ will be home soon. Very soon. I don't even know what to say. It hits me in spurts that this whole thing is over (like the other day after I colored my hair... For some odd reason...) It's completely surreal. He's going to be home, and not just to visit, but truly home. Home to stay.
The next few days I'm trying to stay busy. "Staying busy makes the time go by faster..." blah blah blah... Pretty much doesn't matter if I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, this has been the longest week of my life. But we are almost there. We are so close. So freaking close.
These are some of the pictures I took last year on the day of deployment.. Looking back at these, brings so much back to me.. I remember helping him pack and take his stuff out to the car. I remember watching as he said goodbye to Blitz. I remember walking into the gym filled with other soldiers & family members and  trying not to cry, trying to be brave as we sat together for that last 30 minutes. The panic as he was called into formation and we had to say our final goodbyes, standing in the gym watching him from afar as they waited to load the buses and then watching in the dark as my husband loaded up and drove away. Last year, I didn't cry in the gym in front of him. I promised myself I would keep it together. I remember feeling completely and totally empty inside as I had to watch him walk away. I didn't cry as I watched him load onto the bus. I remember walking calmly to my car and climbing behind the wheel. I remember starting the car. And then I remember the tears. I couldn't stop them anymore. I started to bawl in the parking lot in my car. In AJ's car. It still smelled like him. The radio was still on. Everything was the same except he was gone and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cried and heaved and sobbed right there and then. I don't remember much that night after the crying. I couldn't tell you about the drive home, I couldn't tell you if I called anyone to make me feel better. I can tell you it was one of the loneliest and emptiest feelings I've ever had in my life.
I have missed him so badly every single day. Not one day, not one single day have I not missed him with everything I have. Not one day have I not felt that emptiness and loneliness for at least a moment, if not for days at  a time. But, ladies & gentleman, its almost over. It's surreal. This is almost over. Practically hours away. These pictures will be side by side with new ones. And I promise, I will cry again. I will bawl again. I will cry because I feel whole again. I will cry because the fear of something terrible happening to him is over. I will probably cry the first time I can pick up my phone and call him. For the first time in a year, I will be able to pick up my phone and call my husband just to say hello. And yes, I will cry. I can't wait. I can't wait to cry again.

His last goodbyes to Blitz.
Loading the car up.

Trying to be goofy and enjoy each other.

One last picture together.

When the soldiers were separated from the family members..
Getting ready for their final formation.

In formation and ready to head out.

The very dark last image I had of him... Loading the buses. Before my tears.

This blog... very very soon... to be continued...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter & AJ

The last couple weeks have been really busy. The weekend of the 16th, Blitz & I went down to Texas for an Easter weekend at Mimi's & a quick visit to Becca's. It was a small gathering but nice and relaxing. We had our Easter bags and then Grandpa made some good barbecue. I hadn't had barbecue in a while so I was pretty pumped. The "guys" also had to get together and clean up the tree that the storms that have been down here lately smashed in Mimi & Grandpa's front yard.

Blitz felt bad for leaving April for the weekend, so he shared before we left. 
He was pretty excited to be driving to Mimi & Grandpa's!
Mimi & Grandpa's front yard!
The men ready to take on the tree. (Bubba, Grandpa & Nathan).

Grandpa at the barbecue.

The "kids" with their Easter bags. AJ & I got one too, but I forgot to have my pic taken with them.

Then this last Easter weekend, I had Annie Hurlbutt, Jen Studer, and their kids over for Easter dinner and games. I tried out a few new healthy recipes on them and they did pretty well with them. We played "Sorry" and "Clue" and watched the Easter Veggie Tales. Jen has just been back into town for one week and it was nice to be able to visit with her and meet her. She and her husband Harry (who is deployed with AJ & will be coming home the same time) have two children. One beautiful and very intelligent little 5 year old boy named Ethan and the happiest one year old little girl Sydney. We had a great time.
Anne & Ariee all dressed up for Easter!
Easter Ariee!
Easter Bunny goodies for Ethan, Sydney & Ariee.
Ethan all settled and ready for a long good day of playin.
Jen sitting with Sydney already passed out.
Time to eat!! Everyone's excited!
The delicious and low calorie Easter desserts I made for  us!
Ethan ready to play some "Sorry"
Me showing him how the game is played (he was my partner..)
I was so happy when Ethan & I were winning! (I also stole the baby's hat..)
But so sad when we lost!
Sydney wanted in on some of this action!
Ariee was done for the day. Lol
What a couple of weekends!! On a side note, Annie & Ariee had to have a sleepover at my place on Friday night because her AC went out and it was ridiculously hot. Annie passed out on the couch in the middle of our chick flick, and so I took this picture of her especially for her hubby...
Annie exhausted and out!
Now, for an updated status on the men coming home! I really don't have one.. Pretty much the same as last time. HOPEFULLY he will be on a plane and coming home before the week is over, what day, what time, and even if that will happen for definite, is still an unknown. Like I said, they give us last minute notice that they're on the way home... But no matter what, it's so soon!! I promise to give you pictures and updates when that all goes down. For now, just continue praying for a safe return and soon. :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

3D "Technology"... Get over yourself. looks like today is a day of rants.. but I've got to get this one off my chest as well....

WOW! Technology is amazing, when I buy these glasses and put them on, they can make things into 3D! People are mesmerized by this.. Another thing I just don't understand. I went on a California Trip with my 8th Grade class, oh... 13 or 14 years ago.... and we went to Universal Studios where we went and saw a LIVE Terminator show, where we put on these glasses and it had all this 3D stuff. It was freaking amazing. The liquid bad guy from terminator came inches from our faces while the live person on stage battled with him... Can I say again.. 13 or 14 YEARS ago... But now 3D is the "new" technology that people are paying ridiculous amounts of money for and acting like it is the most exciting thing ever? I'm baffled once again, totally don't understand society. This rant is brought to you by a new ad I just saw on TV for the 3D i-touch thingy. In the ad they ask, "Have you ever seen anything like this before?" To which a group of astounded individuals say, "NO! Never!" Well, Apple, I have....

The NEW 3D Ipod Touch:

Huh... I've seen this before...

And the "AMAZING AND NEW" 3D video games and movies...

Darn.. seen this one before too.. in the 1980's Sega 3D release...

So can someone please explain to me the uproar and excitement about all this "NEW" and "AMAZING" 3D technology? I don't get it. And it's really getting on my nerves.

Gender Specifics..

..has anyone seen this ridiculous controversy about the creative director of J-Crew painting her sons toenails pink while they are playing together, and a picture of it being in a J-Crew ad? And how people are angrily saying she is intentionally attacking masculinity and is trying to make her son gay or transgendered?
I cannot even count the number of things wrong with this train of thought. It has literally been on every news network, from CNN to Fox to NBC. I am completely disgusted with this.
Here is my thing, if you are a mom and your young son asks you to paint his toe nails, and picks out his own color, then the two of you have a fun afternoon where you are painting each others toes and joking around, good for you! It's called bonding. In the same way a dad would play catch with his 5 year old daughter or take her fishing. I am so frustratingly baffled over this controversy. I mean, really people? It honestly just pisses me off.
I am going to provide two links, one is for the the ad and the controversy around it. The other one just happens to be a very interesting blog I just read a few days ago about how pink even became a girl color (it used to signify masculinity) and how boys used to wear dresses until 7 years of age. If they all ended up gay, I'm pretty sure the people who are so scared of overpopulation would be out of jobs, but that doesn't seem to be the case. ((PS: And if her young son grows up and decides he is gay, does anyone honestly believe it's because his mom painted his toe nails pink? And who cares?)

Oh oh oh! Another thought.. Anyone else remember how men of status use to wear make-up? Blush, eye shadow, eye liner? And I'd like to see someone tell Alice Cooper his eyeliner makes him femmy..

The Ad and the "Controversy"
"Pink is for girls, blue is for boys?" - By Geek In Heels

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coming Home FOR GOOD!!!

Ok, I've been a little lacking on posting updates BUT I have some AMAZING news!! AJ WILL BE ON HIS WAY HOME BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH!!!!!!!!! FOR GOOD!!! He will be home, in my arms, never to have to leave like this ever again. Oh mylanta! I can't wait! Oh my goodness! I'm so excited!!
Originally when they left, he was not suppose to be home till early June, so this is more than a little exciting for me! As far as an actual date to mark on the calendar, we don't have one. Due to OpSec (operational security) none of the soldiers know the exact dates they are going to be getting on the plane to come home. What they do is give them a "date range" that they can be getting on the plane. The day they are told they are leaving, they don't get to call home and say, "Hey! I'm on my way!", they just get on the plane and then a message is sent to the family members from another source to let them know, "They are on the plane, they will be arriving at the site at *such and such* a time and on *such and such* day." Which makes planning for his arrival a little difficult. So I have a specific time frame that I have where I need everything to be ready by, and then after that, it's just a sit and wait! The only time I will ever say I hope that I don't hear from AJ!!
Thanks to all of you and my preparations for RR, I already know the type of homecoming outfit (a different one than that for RR) I will be wearing, how I want to do my hair, and all the different items I should have ready for when he comes home.Which makes this quick preparation much easier but just as nerve racking and WOOT WOOT! YAY! Exciting!!
This is so exciting. I can't even start to express how happy I am to finally get to have him home. For those of you wondering, AJ flew out on June 7th of last year, just short of 4 months after we were married. He came home briefly for two weeks in February, which was wonderful, and for the rest of the time we have had to rely on phone calls and instant messenger. I have never before been so thankful for technology and have so much respect for individuals who have gone through this with only letters every few months. I can't even imagine.
Now, as far as leave and visiting family is concerned, I really can't tell you anything right now because I honestly don't know. We probably won't go anywhere the first week or two he gets back. He will also have a couple of weeks of leave after he returns, but it won't be right away and we are still waiting to find out what the dates of that leave will be. So I will keep you posted on that info as it comes.
It's been a long and crazy year everyone, and although I didn't really start using this blog regularly for updates until a couple months after AJ had already left, I wanted to repost some of the blogs that are reminders for me of the year that AJ & I have been through. Thank you all for your love and support over this year. It's been intense, but it is ALMOST OVER!!!

September 26th 2010 - Our New Social Network
September 29th 2010 - It's that time of year...
October 22nd, 2010 - Real Life "Sitcom"
October 27th, 2010 - Dear Deployment: We're Winning
November 30th 2010 - Thanksgiving in Texas and "Southwest Asia"
December 7th, 2010 - The Cycle.
December 24th, 2010 - Birthday Flowers from Mr. Amazing
January 6th, 2010 - New Years Movie Night
January 14th 2010 - Completely Useless.
January 18th, 2010 - What You Taught Me..
February 11th, 2010 - Our Two Weeks Together
March 2nd, 2010 - Life Update.

Once again, thank you all so much for your support. I really can't say it enough. We are so close everyone!