Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sleep Deprived.

The last couple of weeks I have found it nearly impossible to get a good nights sleep. Not only does it take seemingly forever for me to fall asleep, once I do, I wake up several times throughout the night. Each time I wake up, I again have to wait forever to fall back to sleep. I've had the occasional problem falling asleep or waking up before but never like this. I'm trying to figure out the reasons. My mother was thinking maybe it was because I started back up on birth control recently? Does anyone know if hormonal changes and/or medication can affect your sleep? 
Well, since I obviously have sleep on the brain, I found this and think it is very interesting. Particularly the parts that say your sleep pattern can predict your personality and that you only dream about faces you've seen before. It's crazy to me what kind of stuff is stuck in my subconscious that I know nothing about!!!

Happy Dreams!!


evieperkins said...

Fascinating. As someone who's been running on only four or so hours of sleep the past few nights, I sympathize and wish you sweet dreams.

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