I have already written my feelings on the Penn State Scandal, but a friend brought this article to my attention today, and it INFURIATES me.
The article is about how some individuals are blaming homosexuality on what Jerry Sandusky did to the young boys.
"Now that being accused of homophobia is considered an offense, while practicing homosexuality is considered a virtue, should it really surprise anyone that such behavior would go unreported or unchallenged for so long?"
What the article is implying, is that because society is finally starting to become accepting of homosexuality, Jerry Sandusky was not questioned for molesting the young boys because it is considered acceptable behavior in culture today. That's right, Sandusky was allowed to continue this behavior with boys as young as 10, because homosexuality is not condemned anymore.
This argument is disgusting on so many levels I can hardly stand it.
But, I am going to put my emotions to the side for a moment and argue my point that this is nothing but hate speech given a voice, in a factual way and not a emotional, rhetorical way. (Back to my highschool years I guess..)
I have the following four major points (although there are MANY others)..
But, I am going to put my emotions to the side for a moment and argue my point that this is nothing but hate speech given a voice, in a factual way and not a emotional, rhetorical way. (Back to my highschool years I guess..)
I have the following four major points (although there are MANY others)..
1) The majority of molestation on young boys is committed by heterosexual males.
"Most men who molest little boys are not gay. Only 21 percent of the child molesters we studied who assault little boys were exclusively homosexual. Nearly 80 percent of the men who molested little boys were heterosexual or bisexual, and most of these men were married and had children of their own"
-Dr. Gene Abel, Professor of Psychiatry at Emory University and former president of the National Society for Behavioral Medicine
2) Most molestation that carried out by homosexuals is on post-pubescent males, while heterosexual molestation was carried out on mainly pre-pubescent males.
"..heterosexually‑oriented men characteristically chose victims who were clearly pre‑pubescent, whereas the homosexually‑oriented offenders chose pubescent boys.."
- W. L. Marshall, “Sexual Offenders Against Male Children: Sexual Preferences”
3) Heterosexual pedophiles often prefer boys over girls.
"Freund has found that a high proportion of pedophiles prefer boys to girls, and that these pedophiles generally have little or no interest in adult males. Nowhere does Freund state that homosexuals are more inclined to molest children."
-Dr. Kurt Freund was a psychiatrist at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto, Canada. A sex researcher for well over 30 years.
4) Boys are also often chosen because they are the least likely to go for help.
"Boys are less likely than girls to report sexual abuse
because of fear, the social stigma against homosexual behavior, the desire to appear self-reliant
(boys grow up believing that they should not allow themselves to be harmed or talk about painful
experiences), and the concern for loss of independence."
- Prevent Child Abuse American
Here is the bottom line, homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia. In fact, according to over 30 years of research, if Sandusky were homosexual, he would have been LESS likely to have molested these young boys.
People will use anything to spread hate. This is just another one of those attempts. If you have heard these arguments, please look into it. Read the information for yourself, guard yourself with facts so you can address the real issue here: A man took advantage of children, and a school aided in the covering up. That's what happened and it's terrible.