Thanksgiving is AJ's all time favorite holiday. He loves the food, the football, and the family that comes with it. Which is why it's so sad to him that this amazing holiday seems to get skipped over every year. Mainly because it isn't as marketable as the next holiday in line, Christmas.
So I'm posting these comics in protest of skipping a very important holiday: the day where everyone gets together and remembers how much they have to be thankful for.
I LOVE Christmas. I love the colors, the smells, the food. I love the movies and the weather and the family. From the decorations to the candy, I love it all. My mom was always so happy and sang Christmas songs, made the house look beautiful & smell good, and watched sappy movies with us all month. And most of all, I love remembering the gift God gave us of his Son (whether or not it's the actual date of his birth..) So although Christmas may be my favorite holiday, please everyone, don't forget the importance of stopping, taking a look around, and just giving thanks. |