Drinking is a major part of "Military Culture". It's something that has and always will, irk the heck out of me. When you are in the military, drinking isn't just tolerated, its even expected and saluted. Military Balls are actually drunken brawls and weekend get-togethers are booze fests. Soldiers are allowed to drink on deployments, on cruise vessels, and at post. It seems that the only true rule is that you cannot drink "while on duty." Which is a very loosely translated standard if you ask me.
Now, the reason this bothers me is two-fold. First off, there are A LOT of alcoholics in the military and alcohol abuse is rampant, but the military does absolutely nothing about it, and actually almost condones it with their stances and attitude. Which is sickening. Those who have determined that they don't want to drink, for whatever reasons, have an extreme up-hill battle and are always in some small way, outcasts. Second, how scary is it to know that the soldiers we have out protecting us overseas, stateside, or wherever can easily be intoxicated if something really intense happens and they are needed? The concept of allowing soldiers to drink on deployment is truly baffling to me.
This brings me to my Blog Title: The Australian Navy is taking a stance on the drunken culture that surrounds it and it is so refreshing to finally hear that someone in some military somewhere is taking notice of how bad it is. I want to throw out a kudos. I want to say that I hope the United States takes a little bit of advice and maybe it will get their heads turned in the right direction.
I don't believe in a ban of drinking and I don't have a problem with those that like to drink, what I have a problem with is our military encouraging and uplifting alcoholic behavior, binge drinking, and unhealthy and unsafe attitudes towards drinking that usually end up negatively extending and affecting the soldiers lives long after they have left active duty.
So cheers to Australia! And here is an article in regards to the new Australian policies and stance:
Australian admiral calls time on drunken sailors