Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sick at home.

It's been a very frustrating week for me in terms of my health. I am currently 60+ days past my last cycle (for those of you counting, that means I am going on two missed cycles now). Last week I finally went in to get a pregnancy blood test done.. Negative... I was so frustrated. They told me that for any additional questions, I am suppose to go to my primary care physician (the stupid military doctor that told me the sharp sporadic pain in my hip must be arthritis a while back ago..). I haven't scheduled an appointment yet. I just decided to wait for my regular cycle to eventually show up again.
This past week though, I started getting annoying cramps in my lower abdomen. My first thought was, "Finally!" But it's been a week and nothing.. Just more cramps. And now I cannot sleep at night. This is relatively unusual for me. Normally it takes about 20 mins or so once my head hits the pillow, but the past few nights it takes me literally hours to fall asleep and even then, I don't sleep well.
This morning I woke up absolutely exhausted after another night of terrible and short sleep, cramping, and a headache. I was so drained and emotional when I woke up that I was short with poor AJ and then felt bad and almost started crying. Add that to my cramps that are now there constantly (not horrible, more like a continuing annoying and uncomfortable feeling...) and I decided to stay home today. Thank goodness I don't have any obligations or sessions for the day so I can just stay in. 
I'm so frustrated. I guess I should really schedule that appointment with the doctor. I went and bought another preggo test from Walmart (since it's been a week since the blood test was a big fat -- ) but nothing there either. I don't care if I am or not at this point, I would just like to know what's going on. Hmph..

Monday, August 29, 2011


For those of you who knew me when I was younger, you know that politics was my thing. I would play office in kindergarten. I never played house or with barbies. Always office. When I was in elementary school, I drove the adults in my family crazy by hanging out with them and talking about the news instead of playing with my cousins. I was completely and utterly absorbed while in high school in speech and debate, mock trials, international symposiums, etc. In college I majored in game theory economics, with a desire to specialize in voter tenancies. I was going to be involved in politics and shaping/ changing the world! 

As I got older, the idea of having a family kept tugging at my brain and I have always known I didn't want a large and stressful career and a family. When I do something, I give 100% of myself to it. It's just my nature. The idea of having kids and working 90+ hour weeks, traveling for my job, and then when I am home, still working, was (and is) not ok for me. Some individuals do it and thrive but not me. If I was going to be living in Washington DC and working as a lobbyist, I would either be single or married without having children. 

 After AJ & I started talking and getting serious again, I stopped and decided to figure out what I really wanted in life. What I wanted to have and be. I closed my eyes, and decided to visualize in ten years, what would make me happy. I saw family. I saw family dinners and movie nights, I saw hanging out with friends and camping trips, I pictured getting woken up early in the morning by a toddler crawling into bed. When I thought further on down, I saw a family playing football in the backyard, little league baseball, and homework at the kitchen table. I thought of retiring with AJ &  road trips. I saw family reunions and Christmas. What I didn't see was long nights at the office, flights across country, hotel rooms, and sky rise apartments. I knew then what happiness was to me. Happiness was family and the people in my life, not my career.

Even after that and AJ & I got married, I wasn't positive I didn't want my big career. AJ would have been with me and supported me in any decision I made, although he really wanted a family. I have always been so ambitious, I have always wanted to conquer the world and I felt like I was "settling" and not "living up to my potential" if I had a quiet life with a family. Plus, I have huge expectations on my shoulders of who I should be and what I should become. I hated the idea of letting my family down, of letting anyone down. I didn't want anyone to feel disappointed in me because I decided to have a family instead of a career. That was very, very difficult for me. 

AJ was the reason I finally snapped out of it. When I finally realized that he didn't care what I did or what I became, he was happy as long as I was happy. As long as we are together and have a good life with one another, I could be a stay at home mom, work at Burger King, or be a high powered lobbyist, he didn't care. That was the first time in my life I didn't feel like someone had expectations on me, and it felt weird and almost surreal. AJ didn't have any expectations of what I should be or who I should become. He just wanted me to be happy. Whatever that was. I wasn't going to let him down. It was sincerely freeing when I figured that out. 

AJ is also the one that pointed out how much I would love being a trainer. We were watching Biggest Loser one night and I was going on and on about health and what people don't understand and what they need to do, and he said, "So how come you don't become a trainer? What does it take anyway?" That was it. I knew what I wanted. 

Telling my family what I had decided was rough and they still don't seem to fully understand my career. A couple of family members said things such as, "I think you should go farther. Be a physical therapist instead." Or, "Is that really a long term job? Or just something for now?" Even still, when I talk about moving back to Idaho they ask me, "What are you going to do when you get back?" Or, "There are some administrative jobs available at the site." I have even heard, "President Vailas (the President of ISU) would love to have you back! Then you can go back to school for cheap again." Every time I hear something like this I say, "I'm a personal trainer, remember?" and the reply is always, "Oh I know. I'm just saying for when you first get here" or "It's just an idea. 

I love my career choice. I absolutely love what I do. Last week I worked with two ladies who ran the first full mile they have ever run in their life. One full non-stop mile. I was so proud and so were they. Helping my clients reach these goals week after week, seeing them progress. Seeing them become happier, healthier, and more confident in themselves is one of the best feelings in the entire world. I love it. Truly love it. I am happy with my decision to let go of all the expectations of everyone else and myself, and just live my life. I am affecting people and I am changing the world. Just one person at a time.

But every once in a while I still peak over the fence and look at the other side. I have some friends from college and high school who did move on to the high powered careers in Washington DC, New York, and California. They are living the life that I had wanted for so very long. I stop and take a look at what and how they are doing and I would be lying if I didn't wonder and miss it at times. How I loved the way a good suit looked and felt. I loved the adrenaline of the stressful deadlines and cut throat circumstances. I loved coming out ahead and winning in the end. It makes you feel powerful and strong and alive. At least it did me. It made you feel like "somebody" and not just another person with a family and small town life.

But then I realize I feel the same way whenever I help anyone else succeed and see the adrenaline rush and confidence in their face. The first time they hold plank for a full 30 seconds. The first mile. Looking in the mirror and being proud of who they are. That gives me the same adrenaline rush, the same feeling of being alive. But without the cutthroat lifestyle and with the ability to come home to my husband and excitedly tell him about who I helped that day, not what vote I got. Knowing I will be able to make my kids soccer games and band recitals. Everything that I saw when I closed my eyes will be there too. And that makes me so happy. 

I had to make a very difficult decision. You may think that I compromised, and I did. But I didn't compromise my happiness for my career. I compromised a high powered career for my happiness. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

All my East Coast friends and family..

please let me know your alright and your status when you can.. Thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What if your trainer...

were pregnant? This is something that has been on my mind a lot since AJ & I decided to start trying for a family. As a personal trainer, I'm a walking billboard. People have to look at me and believe that I know what I am talking about when it comes to health and fitness. Knowing this, I am struggling with what is going to happen once AJ & I  do become pregnant and we progress into the pregnancy. How uncomfortable are my clients going to have with a trainer that has a big swollen belly? 
So let me ask you, what would you do if your trainer became pregnant? How uncomfortable would you feel? Would you likely leave to go to someone else? How upset would you be knowing that your trainer will be out for 4-6 weeks for maternity, only available by phone or e-mail? 
I'm obviously not there yet and don't need to stress too much, but when it does happen I want to be prepared. 
What it your opinion and feelings on the matter? I would appreciate total honesty, I promise I can take it. :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Help

I'm not big on doing movie reviews but last night AJ and I went and saw The Help (yes, my husband bought a large soda and large popcorn, with extra butter, but he said he knew what was in it.. Lol). 
This movie was phenomenal. I have not seen a truly good movie like this in a very long time. It is the first time I have ever not wanted to read the book because I was worried that it would ruin the movie!
It's a tough movie to explain, all I can say is go see it. Truly. Just bring some tissue. 
Click for the trailer:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's Just Popcorn!

When I work with a client, one of the first homework assignments I give them is pretty simple. For one entire week, pay attention to how many calories are in everything you put in your mouth. I tell them that I don't want them to track how many they eat in a day or even cut down on what they consume. Most people really don't understand how many calories are in what they eat. People "assume" so much when it comes to their eating habits. I am, in a sense, acquainting my clients with their own eating habits. Going to eat a corn dog for lunch? How many calories are in one? 270? Cool beans... But wait! Don't forget the mustard and ketchup calories! And yes, you do have to include the small handful of chips you grabbed without thinking on your way out the kitchen. No, you don't have to write it down. Just pick it up, turn it over and look at three things: How many calories are in it? How much is a serving size? And how much sodium is in it? Then go back to your day. 
After doing this studiously for an entire week, all of my clients are surprised to learn how much they actually put in their bodies. One thing that is tough for most though, is calculating how many calories they consume when they go out. This is something I insist they do because in our society now, more and more people eat out more regularly then they cook dinner at home, and those calories are usually the ones that are the most underestimated by everyone.
To illustrate my point, I found this cool (yet so depressing) little infographic on snacks at the move theater..

Day 50 & a Negative

So as I wrote in a previous post, my husband and I have been trying to start a family. Most people understand how the process works...
You try and get-it-on during the appropriate times of the month or whenever you can, then you wait until your monthly cycle is suppose to happen;  if its late: pregnancy test time! If it's negative, usually you've tested too early and you are suppose to wait an additional week. 
So, what happens when your last period was  50+ days ago and you are still getting negative results on your pregnancy tests? Welcome to my world. I'm getting so uber exasperated. As far as I know, I don't have any other pregnancy symptoms, but I really don't know if I would notice if I did. I have had various odd stomach problems my entire life, so getting or feeling sick or queezy at times is nothing new for me.
AJ really wants me to go to the doctor and get checked, but I don't want to go just to get another negative. I've decided to wait until I am 60+ plus days and still have negative hpt's, then I'll go in. For now, I'm just going to continue to wait. *Sigh*

Friday, August 19, 2011

Terrific Lady Day!

Last Saturday was a pretty rough day for me and things didn't get better after that this week. So AJ got some inspiration from one of our favorite TV comedy series, The League, and decided to give me a terrific lady day!
He started by going on the internet and looking up recipes for dinner. He found a couple of recipes (pretty complex ones I might add..) and then headed to Wal-Mart. He came home with a few bags..

I peaked in the bags and saw fresh dill, pine nuts, fresh parsley, and yogurt... Hmmm...
Him starting the meal.

Things heat up in the kitchen.. Clothes come off!

So many things going on in here!
And out comes: This amazing salad with homemade vinaigrette!
Plus this incredible wheat pasta dinner with homemade white dill yogurt sauce.. MMMM!!!
Amazing dinner and I am so happy!
Completely deserving of a smooch! I love this man!

But he didn't end there.. After eating this amazing dinner and watching a chick flick with me (seriously chick flick.. I was watching 13 Going On 30.. Lol)- we went to bed and I woke up the next morning to..
Homemade breakfast! Wheat English Muffins, Organic Eggs, Cheese and Canadian Bacon.... Add orange juice and coffee- couldn't be better! (Can I just add AJ is not a health nut.. he did the wheat/ organic stuff just for me. :)  )
What a husband! It was perfect and made what was a terrible week terrific! :) (I want to add, I don't think he has cooked anything other than steak for dinner in his entire life. Lol)

Post- Script

My husband was reading through the blogs the other day and he felt like I had left out a very important part of the "soccer saga story". He said I should add it in there somewhere because it really makes a difference, so for him, I am putting it in a little post script. Here it is:
Last Thursday, before I ever said anything to the girls about dressing in a certain manner or a dress code, I asked Coach Alan about it. I talked to him about whether or not he felt the girls were dressing inappropriately and if it would be alright if we told them it was unacceptable at practice and he agreed with me before one word was uttered to the girls.
So there you have it. The post-script: Yes, I had Coach Alan's complete approval to ban this type of dress before any of this even started.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Right Thing..?

So here is the update from soccer practice on Monday. 
When I arrived at practice I was fully prepared to discuss the issue with the girls and any concerned parents that were there. I had spent a portion of the day researching the most competitive soccer clubs in various states and whether or not they had dress codes at practices. Most did. I also called the major Universities in the area and spoke with the coaching staffs regarding dress codes at their practices and what scouts would do if they came to our practice and saw my very young girls dressed in such a manner (I contacted the Sooners, the Longhorns, and the Cowboys). All of which, not surprisingly, backed me up. I then put all the information I had gathered onto an informational sheet and made copies. I was prepared. 

When I arrived, Coach Alan walked up to my car and said, "Now don't get too mad but a bunch of the girls have dressed inappropriately on purpose to protest." I found this very funny and told him that it looked like we had our own bra burning session to deal with. I then explained to him that I was fully prepared and ready to talk with everyone and afterwards I would have the girls wear jerseys in order to practice. Coach Alan responded, "No, I need to step in and talk to them about it. I should have from the beginning, I want to talk to them."

We gathered the girls together, with a few of the parents (including the woman that had screamed at me in front of Country Mart, who by the way, had made such a scene that our team was told by the manager that if parents were going to act like that, we were not welcome back).  Coach Alan told the girls that it was his fault and that I was representing him when I told the girls they couldn't wear clothing like that anymore. That he should have "manned up!" and gotten involved in the beginning.Then...

Wait for it...... Wait for it.....

He told the girls he wasn't going to change the dress code after the season had already been under way a few weeks and that the girls could continue to wear whatever they wanted. He would discuss dress codes next season (I will be gone).
I was completely blindsided. The mother who screamed at me laughed and said, "yes!", as if she had won something. And although Coach Alan told the girls it was no reflection on me because I was just his advocate, everyone there knew better. I couldn't believe it. 

So, I finished out the practice like it was a normal day and afterwards, went up to Coach Alan and told him it would be my last practice. He protested and claimed he didn't understand why. I reminded him that when I spoke with him on Saturday after the incident in the parking lot, I had explained to him that if he was unwilling to back me up to the girls and parents I couldn't be part of this team and he had agreed and understood. He tried for a while to tell me he thought he had protected me, but that isn't what he had done and I knew it. I shook his hand and walked off the field.
I went home and cried after that. I was so angry and frustrated. 

I did have to go back to practice Tuesday night. I had promised the girls pizza that night and so I came at the end of practice to deliver it. I was swarmed by parents wanting me back and even another part time assistant coach asking me to reconsider. I was surprised but pleased to hear they missed me so much after one practice without me, but I had to decline.
I felt like the head coach had cut my legs out from under me. I felt like he had rewarded a woman who bullied and screamed to get her way. I also felt he was teaching the girls to make poor life decisions and to go about getting what you want in a negative way. I had no credence as a coach or authority figure on the team and so I couldn't go back. Although it felt good to know I was needed and wanted, it was so hard to walk away again.

My husband told me I did the right thing. My co-workers told me I did the right thing. My parents told me I did the right thing. I think I did the right thing, but man.. It's so tough.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Girls Soccer and Screaming Parents

As most of you know, I became the assistant coach to the traveling U16 girls soccer team in Lawton a few weeks ago. In soccer and most sports, U16 stands for Under 16 years of age, meaning that my girls are between the ages of 13-15 years old. When I arrived at soccer practice for the first time and watched the girls, I have to say, they were a hot mess. The head coach, Alan, has been doing what he can but this team is relatively new as a group and their skill level is all over the place. Over the past few weeks though, I have seen some very encouraging improvement. Although I could go into more detail about the team and the girls (and I will in a future post) this is not what this particular post is about. This post is about the "altercation" I had with one of my parents on Saturday in the parking lot of a Country Mart. 

Coach Alan is 60 years old. He is a very soft spoken man who at times is uncomfortable dealing with the inevitable issues that coincide with a teenage girls soccer team and therefore I have taken over in this regard. One thing that has been really bothering me on this team, is the way a few of the girls dress at soccer practice. In particular, when they come to practice with their shirts like this: 

Obviously this is not my soccer team but this is how my young girls have been dressing, except for the slit on the side goes entirely down the shirt, leaving only a small piece of fabric connected. Last Thursday I had a talk with the team and told them that tank tops were fine but shirts such as this are unacceptable. They rolled their eyes but didn't say much more. 
Then on Saturday we had a team fundraiser and promotion activity at Country Mart. While I was there one of the girl's moms approached me and proceeded to quite literally scream at me in the parking lot regarding my not allowing the girls to dress like this. She was extremely angry and had no desire to listen to a single word I had to say. I told her I had no problem discussing the issue with her but she didn't care to discuss anything. She then told me that she would be at practice on Monday with her daughter and her daughter would wear whatever she wanted. I explained that if she,or any of the other girls, came dressed inappropriately, I would make them wear a jersey. To which this mom replied, "Oh no you will not!! She will NOT be made to wear a jersey!!" and stormed off. She then talked to the head coach and told him that if I enforced this dress policy, she will pull her daughter from the soccer team. 

Afterwards, I spoke with Coach Alan about the issue and told him that if she or any of the other girls dressed in that fashion I would make them wear a jersey and if they refused to wear a jersey they would sit out during practice. He told me he would back me up on the issue, so we will see how tonight goes. 
I have to say, I was totally prepared for reluctance from the team and from some of the girls and to even have some that tested me, but for the parents to become this outrageously upset because I am asking the girls to wear a full shirt or tank top to practice, is completely baffling to me. Not stopping your 14 year old girl from dressing this way is one thing but actually supporting and vehemently fighting for and advocating it is a whole other. I will pull my daughter from the soccer team if she can't dress this way? That is absolutely ludicrous in my opinion. I'll keep you posted on how practice goes tonight. Who knows, maybe I will be posting pictures of a black eye... But no matter what, none of my girls will be practicing inappropriately dressed. That I promise.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Second Attempt..

If you read my picture update a little while ago, you would know that AJ recently decided to quit smoking again. It was his second attempt... And after a week (a very, very, very loooooong week), Sunday night around 8 pm, AJ went to the store and bought himself a pack of cigarettes... He also felt it necessary to buy me these:

I think him feeling as if he owed me flowers about sums up what kind of a week it was and how the second attempt went. Lol But he is not done.. He will give it another go sometime soon.. And he'll kick this nicotine habit right in its tush someday.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Marriage & Life: Post Deployment

My mother has been asked by some about how AJ & I are doing after the deployment. Their concern is not only natural, but also very real. AJ & I were married only 4 months before he deployed and he was gone for just short of a year. Long distance relationships are hard to begin with and adding into it the lack of consistent communication and the danger of the life of a deployed soldier, its much worse than any normal long distance scenario.

Those of you who have been following our blog for a while were there through quite a bit of our deployment and have seen some of the ups and downs. Two posts that come to mind are adequately titled: Dear Deployment: We're Winning and The Cycle. 
It was a very tumultuous and difficult year. But it is over and AJ & I have been back together for over three months now. I think its a good time to let everyone know what it has been like, for the both of us, to be together again. 

First, let me say that I do not consider AJ & my relationship and our deployment experience typical. I would be remiss if I were to say that this blog can be used as an informative blog on, "What to expect during and after a deployment." This blog is about how it was and has been for AJ & I, not for anyone else. 
The deployment like I said, was very difficult, not for on our relationship but on us.

For me, I had just moved to Oklahoma a few months prior and was still getting to know the surrounding area. The military mindset and lifestyle is not really my cup of tea. It does have a lot of programs designed to help spouses through a deployment but I didn't really fit into any of them. For three main reasons: we don't drink, we don't have kids, and women take a while to warm up to me. I had also made the decision before AJ left that having toxic people in my life or doing things that could be misconstrued or miscommunicated (ie partying, bars, etc.)  were not going to happen with him deployed. The last thing my husband needed on his mind during deployment was that his wife is out with questionable people till the wee hours of the morning and hearing odd reports from others. So due to the military mindset and the aforementioned issues, I seemed to end up isolated from most of the people and goings on around here. It was the quietest and most self reflective year of my life. An admitted extrovert, having a year of being alone was hard but something I can honestly say I feel everyone needs. For an entire year, it was me and our dog Blitz. That and keeping my phone next to me every hour of every day and every night, waiting for the next phone call from my best friend. 

For AJ the deployment was difficult for obvious and some less than obvious reasons. He worked disgusting hours. I'm talking 24 hours on and 24 hours off for almost an entire year. Then at "training" times he would be away from his bed and/or bunker for days on end, trying to catch a few mins sleep here and there whenever possible. His stress of trying to get in touch with me every single day was always on him. He did everything he could. He almost always found some way to get into touch with me and tell me he was alright. On top of that, the other soldiers didn't understand our relationship and that AJ wanted to talk to me every day. He wanted to hear my voice every day as much as I wanted to hear his. Although I kept myself away from the drama of other wives and individuals, he was constantly around the other soldiers and the drama. More than once during his precious time away from site, he was required to take care of soldiers who had obviously exceeded their "two beer" limit in the rec room.

Our relationship during the deployment never wavered though and we were there for each other however we possibly could be. I sent packages to him a couple times every month. During it all, we had family deaths, military drama, family drama, holidays alone, very scary health issues etc. occur and we got through them together. Truly together. Being best friends and having common interests really helped us out too. Especially our mutual love for sports. It gave us a common stomping ground and something to talk about while worlds apart and having no real life experiences together. Our being friends with common interests and both of our decisions to keep away from toxic situations and people were key to our success in not only maintaining but advancing our relationship during the deployment.

Because of all of this, I believe that AJ & my transitioning back into life together was a lot less stressful and difficult than a lot of others. Although I won't say seamless. 

The first month and a half together was ridiculously busy. We went to Texas three times, Idaho for two weeks, as well as visited with friends, golfing, baseball, running, etc. It was a giant whirlwind. This particular month and a half was different for both AJ & I. I was used to a quiet, routine filled life with Blitz and AJ wasn't even used to driving (it actually weirded him out for a while at first). So we took that time in relative stride together.
It was when we got back to a "regular" routine and quiet life that our difficulties arouse.

For AJ it was having responsibilities at home again and not living with the guys anymore. Washing dishes, doing laundry, calling to say when he was home, taking out the dogs, making dinner, connecting with his family, watching the finances; all of these were responsibilities he was no longer used to. Although we do them together as a team, it was still tiring and frustrating for him at first. Plus, us being newly married before he left, the responsibilities of marriage in general were still relatively new when he got home. It was literally a new world and although he was and is amazing, it was odd and difficult for him to come home to after things slowed down. Not to mention since AJ and I don't drink, once he got back the majority of soldiers just wanted to go get plastered all the time. AJ ended up feeling a little ostracized from the men he had spent an entire year with. 

For me, it was the exact opposite. I had done everything for an entire year. I had this special bond and routine with Blitz, I had kept the house clean and done the finances. I had everything the way I wanted it. AJ is very hands on. He isn't a husband that goes to work, comes home, and then expects the wife to care for everything. AJ wants to be a teammate and not taken care of like a child. Me allowing him to do these things was hard. I was so used to my routine and doing things my way that him doing the dishes while he was home at lunch and not before we went to bed, meant dirty dishes in the sink all night (I know.. gasp right?). I would come home and instead of watching Jon Stewart, AJ would be playing MLB 2011. I didn't know what to do with myself.. I mean, that was  my routine!

But I have to say, that really has been the worst of it and for that we are truly blessed. Over the past couple of months we have gotten ourselves back into a routine and set-up together instead of apart. We have figured out the TV situation and the household stuff. AJ has found things to do with the guys that don't involve alcohol and I have a U16 soccer team keeping me busy. So I have to say, we are doing pretty amazing. He is my best friend and I have him home. I still jump and run to the phone when it rings, scared I'll miss his call sometimes. Old habits die hard. He still calls me during the day at work just cause, but now I can call him too. AJ is home and so I finally am too.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Picture Update!! (A real one this time..)

Ok, so I finally got some pictures on the computer. Some of these are older and I have already blogged about the events they were taken for, others are newer. So here is our past due picture update:

The Military Ball
The military ball pictures came in. Not exactly the same one I posted before... but not too bad nonetheless. ;)


Our World Cup "Party"
Excited and ready for individuals to show up for our World Cup party!!
AJ sitting after one cancellation or no-show after another.. Ugh.. 
Baylee was feeling the spirit at least!!

Swimming Lessons
Because it is so ridiculously hot, AJ & I take the pups to the hatchery to swim a lot. Baylee is like a fish but Blitz refuses to do anything but wade in the water. My sexy husband decided that he would wade out there and see if Blitz would swim after him.
So far so good..
And that's where Blitz stops. Baylee swam out to him and he picked her up, but Blitz wouldn't go any further. Oh well.

More Summer Fishing
AJ has been fishing a lot lately. I find it ridiculously sexy to watch him cast out.
Baylee and Blitz are always up for some fishing too! 

What a Guy
AJ came to me the other day and announced that he wants to try quitting smoking again. He did really well last year when he tried to give it up, but the deployment didn't help much. So he is ready for round two. I am so proud. :)

Another New Addition.. Thanks babe!
And meet Tackle Box. Our new cat. AJ found him lost and crying in the laundry room. He has been declawed and neutered. We did everything we could to find his home but to no avail.

AJ & I are now saying we have four children. One from before we got together, his "stepdaughter" April (my turtle), two "biological" children: Blitz and Baylee, and now one adopted young man named Tackle Box. Just call us a blended family. :)
 So there is a short picture update for everyone; old and new.. I hope you all had an amazing weekend!.