Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 50 & a Negative

So as I wrote in a previous post, my husband and I have been trying to start a family. Most people understand how the process works...
You try and get-it-on during the appropriate times of the month or whenever you can, then you wait until your monthly cycle is suppose to happen;  if its late: pregnancy test time! If it's negative, usually you've tested too early and you are suppose to wait an additional week. 
So, what happens when your last period was  50+ days ago and you are still getting negative results on your pregnancy tests? Welcome to my world. I'm getting so uber exasperated. As far as I know, I don't have any other pregnancy symptoms, but I really don't know if I would notice if I did. I have had various odd stomach problems my entire life, so getting or feeling sick or queezy at times is nothing new for me.
AJ really wants me to go to the doctor and get checked, but I don't want to go just to get another negative. I've decided to wait until I am 60+ plus days and still have negative hpt's, then I'll go in. For now, I'm just going to continue to wait. *Sigh*


Anonymous said...

That is weird. But I know only the basics of reproductive science, since I am still actively trying to prevent pregnancy. So good luck...

Geek in Heels said...

Arghh. That sucks. I am so sorry for what you're going through. :-(

I know how annoying unsolicited advice can be, so I will not give you any (unless you actually want it, and if that is the case please feel free to shoot me an email), but please know that you guys are in my thoughts, and that I am sending you good pregnancy and baby vibes!

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