It's been a very frustrating week for me in terms of my health. I am currently 60+ days past my last cycle (for those of you counting, that means I am going on two missed cycles now). Last week I finally went in to get a pregnancy blood test done.. Negative... I was so frustrated. They told me that for any additional questions, I am suppose to go to my primary care physician (the stupid military doctor that told me the sharp sporadic pain in my hip must be arthritis a while back ago..). I haven't scheduled an appointment yet. I just decided to wait for my regular cycle to eventually show up again.
This past week though, I started getting annoying cramps in my lower abdomen. My first thought was, "Finally!" But it's been a week and nothing.. Just more cramps. And now I cannot sleep at night. This is relatively unusual for me. Normally it takes about 20 mins or so once my head hits the pillow, but the past few nights it takes me literally hours to fall asleep and even then, I don't sleep well.
This morning I woke up absolutely exhausted after another night of terrible and short sleep, cramping, and a headache. I was so drained and emotional when I woke up that I was short with poor AJ and then felt bad and almost started crying. Add that to my cramps that are now there constantly (not horrible, more like a continuing annoying and uncomfortable feeling...) and I decided to stay home today. Thank goodness I don't have any obligations or sessions for the day so I can just stay in.
I'm so frustrated. I guess I should really schedule that appointment with the doctor. I went and bought another preggo test from Walmart (since it's been a week since the blood test was a big fat -- ) but nothing there either. I don't care if I am or not at this point, I would just like to know what's going on. Hmph..
STOP putting it off, make your appointment today. You need to find out what's going on...
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