Monday, October 3, 2011

Balls & Breasts

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and to support the cause, the NFL wears pink all month to not only promote awareness but also to raise money. They auction off all of the pink items worn by players and used in the game, from footballs, to cleats, to headbands. It's a great cause and I have to admit, I love a man in pink!

Some images from the past week of Pink!
The Jacksonville Jaguars mascot bares it all for awareness.

Everything goes pink.
Even the players suite up in pink.
Boys will be boys.. Even wearing pink.
A lot of the players have personal stories.
Chargers nose tackle Antonio Garay gets personal with his tribute.

The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2011 alone there were approximately 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women. Remember your monthly self screening and make sure you doctor knows the right steps in prevention and detection as well. Early detection is key in all cancer and with breast cancer, women can take that into their own hands. Take your future in yours.